


The #1 app for group activity challenges

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Next round starts in:





Sign up
Compete against
yourself or others

Compete against
yourself or others

Walk, swim, cycle?
You choose your activities

Walk, swim, cycle?
You choose your activities

A new challenge
every 4 weeks

A new challenge
every 4 weeks

Better your score
every time

Better your score
every time

Oopla is a 28-day activity challenge for absolutely everybody. How you play is totally up to you.

No more counting steps or calories. Just a simple app that turns activities, distances and durations into Oopla points.

It's about creating daily habits, it's about managing your daily routines and always dedicating time towards physical activity. It's about feeling better about yourself, becoming more productive and more confident. It's about having fun and keeping motivated.

Walk, Jog or Run
Hike or Cycle
Dig, Dance or DIY

The choice of activity is up to you.

Our next round starts in:





Sign Up for Free

As an individual
Less about getting fit. More about getting happy.

Read more

As a group
Are you ready for improved
wellness and motivation in your team?

Read more

Oopla, even saying it makes everyone feel a bit happier.

Mark, 58

Mark, 58

If you are trying to improve your fitness or general health & wellbeing there is no better way than to be part of a group challenge like Oopla!

Hannah, 33

Hannah, 33

Oopla offers an impressive, level playing field for anyone and everyone to get involved with regardless of degree of fitness. You will find yourself doing more and building healthy exercise habits without realising!

Katie, 62

Katie, 62

The challenge was really life changing for me. From couch potato to exercise lover in 84 days. Who’d have thought. I hope my enthusiasm lasts well beyond the challenge. I believe it will.

Rosie, 57

Rosie, 57

Having started from almost no physical activity I found myself able to do more and more as the Challenge progressed. By just after halfway I was surprised at what I’d achieved and by the end I couldn’t wait to do more.

Stealth Athlete, 39

Stealth Athlete, 39

This is a great program! You will develop good fitness habits, which also benefits you mentally, physically and emotionally. I would recommend Oopla to connect you with other like minded individuals and grow your support network.

Graham, 28

Graham, 28

I am really enjoying the challenge so far! I think it's a fantastic idea and really trying to get myself to do something every day even if it's 'small' or I don't track it but I think it's a brilliant way of getting you into some good habits!

Helen, 57

Helen, 57

Just to say thanks that this is making a difference to a busy full time working 57 year old arthritic who gets great health benefit from this initiative while juggling everything else including a recent house move. Keep up this great initiative

Gary, 42

Gary, 42

Oopla gave me the incentive to walk every day and lose weight. At the start I didn't really think I would keep up the habit of a daily walk , but by the end I couldn't break my "streak" by not walking, even when the weather was rubbish - what a result!

Oopla in the workplace

Boosting productivity

“OOPLA worked really well for our employees. It significantly increased activity levels across our staff. It was suited to all abilities and all fitness levels and was a great motivational tool during some challenging months.”

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